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  • Top Nutritional Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Brain

    February 18, 2019

    The brain controls the entire body; every thought, emotion, movement and breath Even when sleeping, the brain is busy clearing away waste, reenergising the body’s cells, regulating […]

  • Signs Of Anxiety and Anxiety Management

    February 12, 2019

    Dr Dimitrios Paschos talks anxiety with Woman & Home Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Dimitrios Paschos was featured in Woman & Home magazine in an article investigating anxiety disorders, […]

  • How Lunch Breaks Keep You Healthy

    February 11, 2019

    Why you should always take a lunch break Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Dimitrios Paschos was featured on Yahoo News in an article about British workers not taking their […]

  • The Rise in Self-Harming

    January 15, 2019

    Dr Maite Ferrin, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, talks the rise in self-harming with Marie Claire The number of teenage girls who are self-injuring has doubled, with […]

  • The Power of Napping

    January 14, 2019

    Dr Emer MacSweeney features in the Sun in an article which shared the tips of doctors for living a longer life Did you know that doctors live around five […]

  • Deborah Colson | Primal Cure

    December 6, 2018

    Nutrition and Mental Health Deborah Colson, Cognitive Nutritional Therapist at Re:Cognition Health, was interviewed by Primal Cure TV in a programme about the role played by nutrition […]

  • Dementia and Depression

    December 4, 2018

    Dementia With Depression: Six Ways To Boost Mood It’s widely recognised that individuals living with dementia are more prone to depression. While one in five people in […]

  • Dementia Test | Telegraph Feature

    November 20, 2018

    Dr Emer MacSweeney discusses new Alzheimer’s treatments and an innovative dementia test with the Daily Telegraph Scientists are working tirelessly on researching new treatments for early indicators of […]

  • Children’s Mental Health

    November 20, 2018

    Dr Maite Ferrin shares her expertise with Primal Cure TV Re:Cognition Health’s Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist was recently interviewed by Primal Cure TV, Sky’s only dedicated […]

  • Self-Harm Distractions

    November 20, 2018

    Self harm alternatives: Recommendations by Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist Dr Maite Ferrin Self-harming is on the rise amongst teenagers and young adults. Re:Cognition Health Psychiatrist, Dr […]

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