Channelling the condition into a positive attribute

ADHD in children
ADHD affects around 1 out of 20 children and adolescents worldwide.
This means that at least one child per class is affected by ADHD in a in school setting.
The condition is usually more prevalent in boys than in girls in the clinical setting (3:1).
Is ADHD genetic
The myth that ADHD is a result of ‘bad parenting’ is simply not the case.
Scientific evidence shows that ADHD/ADD is a highly heritable condition.
It’s believed that it’s caused by a combination of certain susceptibility genes and environmental risks factors during pregnancy and early childhood.
Important risk factors include low birth weight and prematurity.

ADHD in adults
ADHD/ADD is not an illness, but a condition.
This means it may predispose individuals to suffer medical and psychiatric conditions. These include: depression, anxiety, conduct disorder, and alcohol and substance abuse.
However, a diagnosis of ADHD doesn’t mean that individuals will have negative outcomes later in life. Re:Cognition Health ADHD Specialists believe that individuals with ADHD should never be underestimated because of their condition.
In fact, people with ADHD have many positive characteristics! They can succeed because of their charming attitude, endless energy and vitality, creativity, problem-solving skills and empathy.
With the right support, the opportunities are endless.
Comedian and actors Howie Mandel and Jim Carrey, singers Justin Timberlake and Solange Knowles, rapper, Olympic swimming sensation Michael Phelps, and Olympic gymnastics champion Louis Smith, businesswoman Paris Hilton, NBA player Michael Jordan, Disney empire founder Walt Disney, president of the United States John F. Kennedy, Nobel physicist Albert Einstein, and business mogul Sir Richard Branson, are just some of the successful people who have admitted to suffering ADHD/ADD.

How is ADHD diagnosed
As every individual is different and presenting with different symptoms, it’s often not so easy to recognise and diagnose ADHD/ADD.
Common symptoms can include (but are not limited to) combinations of the following:
- Inattention, or difficulties in focussing and maintaining concentration (especially during boring tasks!)
- Hyperactivity or an inability to stay still when required
- High impulsivity or inability to wait for their turn
- Inability to think before acting
In some people these symptoms might be less evident. In fact, they might present with emotional problems like depression and anxiety, behavioural problems and learning difficulties.
ADHD test
A diagnosis by a specialist in a clinical environment is essential in order to get the very best treatment plan and support.
An early diagnosis can have a massive, positive impact on the life of those with ADHD.
Learn more about the ADHD assessments
ADHD medication
A broad range of treatments are available for ADHD. A specialist will explain all of these options to a patient following a diagnosis.
Treatments include both medication and non-pharmacological treatments. Both might be very useful when dealing with some of the problems associated with ADHD/ADD.
For example, medications may be highly effective for some people, especially in the short term. However, others might prefer non-pharmacological approaches such as omega 3 supplements, exclusion diets, cognitive therapy, or neurofeedback.
Parents of children with ADHD/ADD might also find parenting strategies very useful.
Finally, psychoeducation of parents, teachers and those directly dealing with ADHD/ADD is highly recommended.